Thursday, January 13, 2005

Rosacea-Ltd Made A Huge Difference in My Life

This is my third order, I use the brown disk for daytime use and the yellow disk for nighttime, I have been through all the antibiotic,skin cream, the whole gammit, this really really works, it has made a huge difference in my life, I don't get those embarrasing second looks, unless its just admiration (ha ha) I would reccomend this to anyone who has rosacea. I have been looking for this for 15 years, I love it. Also, I know this is hard to believe, but it has made a huge difference in cellulite for me. I am a 6 to 8 mile a day runner, I do step aroebics, nautilus machines, eat right (most of the time), and nothing has ever help the battle of the cellulite like this has, and I have been running and working out for 20 years. I use the yellow sulfur based disk, after working out or right out of the shower,, on wet upper thigh area, and I have seen a remarkable diffence. I worked as a lab technitian, Phlebotomy, for 11 years, and it just clicked thinking about the sulfur baths being so good for the skin and body, so I tried it, and it does work for me, I love it.
Thank you Bass & Boney, Inc.
Sandy Parmelee