Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Rosacea Ltd Is Good For Me

Rosacea ltd did have a definite drying effect on my rosacea. My skin always tended to be oily so that was good for me. You could use it under makeup, though I personally use makeup only occasionally so may not be the best person to give advice on that aspect. I use the ivory disks in the morning, and the brown ones at night. They have improved my face *immensely*. I liked the idea of trying something less extreme and expensive first before going to laser treatments and the like. And found that this was all I needed. It is very, very important to drink the recommended amount of water; however I do not use the recommended cleansers or jojoba oil. BTW, I have no relationship with the company at all.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My Story And Rosacea-Ltd

I was diagnosed with rosacea 20 years ago. At first it just looked like I had been out in the sun too long & my nose was red. My doctor prescribed Metrogel, and I used it daily. Of course, this was early Rosacea & my red nose would come & go & sometimes I'd be just fine. I don't think the Metrogel did any good for me. As the years went by my rosacea got worse. The redness became more constant & then I developed P&P. Oral antibiotics helped, but I didn't think it was wise to continue with them for too long. Then I heard about azealic acid & was able to order Skinoren (20% azealic acid) online. Within a week I noticed a big improvement & continued to use it for about 5 years with success. Then for some reason my rosacea started to get worse & that's when I found this group. For awhile I was considering IPL. I went for a consultation & was surprised that they would have to treat my whole face when only my nose was a problem. That sounded a little drastic to me. Also after doing a little research, I discovered that IPL would not be a good procedure for me since I have a bleeding disorder.That's when I decided to order the LTD. The directions advised me to discontinue with all skincare products for 2 weeks before starting & to use neutrogena moisturizing bar soap for sensitive skin & a drop of jojoba oil spread on my wet hands & then applied to my wet face. In addition, I was advised to avoid the sun and to drink LOTS of cold water. It was scary to discontinue using the azealic acid & my regular sunscreen moisturizer and my nose started to look worse; however the rest of my face was doing very well with using neutrogena & jojoba. I was counting down the 14 days until I could start using the disk.The first few times I used the tan disk, it was a little irritating, but that passed & then after a few weeks I started noticing improvement. I haven't started to use the light colored disk yet (I was advised to wait for one month). I look in the mirror now & am amazed to see that I look pretty close to normal. This is a big relief to me since I have to deal with the public at my work. The Ltd came with a list showing foods that are good & foods that are bad for rosacea. I haven't really followed that. I have learned from experience that black pepper & really spicy or hot foods can be a trigger for me, so I try to avoid them. I'm suspecting that bananas are also a trigger. Someone else recommended a face visor which I bought & have found it not only shields me from the sun (a universal trigger), but also the wind which is a big trigger for me. I am still drinking lots of icy cold water which helps me stay cool in the south Texas heat. It was 104 degrees today! I carry a thermos to work & sip on it throughout the day. It also helps when I have to get into my hot car at the end of the work day. I am very pleased that the LTD is working for me. Thanks to all who have posted with helpful ideas & good luck to all those still searching for a treatment.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Why not try Rosacea LTD? I had very oily skin with rosacea and it, with a lot of water consumption, basically cured me. When I tried it my face was red and there were hard bumps, and I was being kept up at night with a burning sensation. I decided to give the product give a whirl before trying more expensive/invasive methods of treatment. They offer a money back guarantee so there is no monetary risk. I have no affiliation whatsoever with the company or its officers, BTW.

I'd love to see the doctors who are here on thesupport board get more conversant with the product and comment on *why* they think it works for some folks. I recall when I saw my own doctor, an internist, after using it for a while. He was amazed at the difference, and recommended it to his other patients who suffered from the malady. He mentioned to me during my next checkup that a lot had been helped.Especially when I hear about oily skin as part of the symptoms, I think that the treatment is worth a try.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

Rosacea Skin Care Treatment

I ordered the Rosacea-Ltd discs in December of 2002, after reading the dozens and dozens of "praise" messages for the product on this site. I was hesitant about spending $98, especially after so many other rosacea treatments have not worked. Two months later I can tell you that if I paid double that price, it would have STILL been worth it! The product when used as directed does everything it promises. I not only suffer from rosacea but also seborrheic dermatitis, and this product cleared up the greasy, flaky quality my skin had. In general my skin looks younger, healthier and more even toned. I would recommend this product to men as well as women. You will notice better results if you try to add in the recommended water and limit "trigger" foods (one of mine is chocolate). I am so grateful for this product...I am going to tell my dermatologist and family doctor to pass the word along. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose except red, blotchy skin!


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Pictures in Rosacea Skin Care Treatment

Some of the many users of Rosacea-Ltd have attempted to present pictures of their rosacea skin care success. In tracking the success of your rosacea skin care regime it can be helpful to take pictures of your rosacea throughout the rosacea treatment process. I have found it helpful to take frontal and side pictures of my rosacea at the beginning of the rosacea skin care treatment process and additional pictures of my rosacea at one, two and three month intervals. Rosacea pictures can be a valuable tool in determining your progress in your rosacea treatment program.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Rosacea-Ltd Does What It Promises

Your product has been just fantastic at helping to control my acne.
My skin condition began as rosacea but over time has become more like acne which develops as a tender spot on my face first, and if I don't get to it with the Rosacea Ltd right away, degrades to a large, painful pustule with pus. It often occurs as three pustules. At that point it just has to run it's course unfortunately.
I've been following your program for the past five years: washing my face with Neutrogena gentle cleansing soap, applying the LTD disk at the first sign of a problem, drinking plenty of water and I've switched to the linear razor recommended by you. The program works.
In addition to the now very occasional outbreak, I have ulcerative colitis and take mesalamine/Pentasa daily. I suspect this can add to my system's acidity. On its own, though, it doesn't seem to affect the skin condition.
I seem to notice outbreaks when I go through periods of high sugar intake and juice (limeade). I can't behave myself all the time.
But that's my story. Thank you very much for a product that actually does what's promised. It's why I've been a faithful user (and cheerleader) for the past five years.

~D. Heslop