Thursday, September 21, 2006

In Praise Of Rosacea-Ltd

Using Rosacea Ltd was a last-ditch attempt for find something that
worked for me, having tried several different treatments over the last
five years since I was diagnosed with rosacea.

The three month trial period has not yet ended but at this stage I can
definitely say that there has been a great improvement and I won't be
requesting my money back. I'm now so glad I took the risk.

Buying from the UK is a bit more complicated: it took a while to find out
where to get the cleansing bar and oil they recommend and I was also
unable to find out how much the import tax would be.

What the rosacea treatment has done for me is to remove all the sore red
lumps that were all over my face like a mask. My skin was so sensitive
that even water from the shower would make it bright red and raw. At
first when I was diagnosed with rosacea I took three month doses of
Doxycycline that cleared up the spots but which led to a much worse long
term health problem - my advice to anyone is, do not take antibiotics for
rosacea. I also tried topical Rosex cream, a Dermalux lamp and Chinese

I really followed the instructions from Rosacea Ltd to the word.
Especially the water-drinking. This was hard work at first but even that
alone really helped my skin. Making the transition from my usual routine
( I never used cleansing bars) made my skin worse for a while but it
gradually became used the the new routine and better for it. My skin is
now much smoother and some days I can look in the mirror and actually
think that I don't have rosacea. It has evened out the texture and taken
away the red spots. I still have overall redness but I am hoping that
after a few more months this will also go. The only small downside is
that I have now got dry flaky patches on my chin but this is a tradeoff I
am willing to bear!

But remember - follow the instructions exactly and you have to be
committed to the routine, particularly the water and diet recommendations.
Get yourself a recipe book about the pH diet and start avoiding acidic and
sugary foods that aggravate the heat in your face.

If you are unsure about whether to give it a go, I would say do it. Any
rosacea sufferer would say anything is worth a try for a normal-looking
face. I wish I had done it sooner!


V. West

Friday, September 15, 2006

Rosacea-Ltd: A Wonderful Product

I will add my praise to this wonderful product. My poor dad had terrible rosacea and looking at his skin just made you want to cry. When my rosacea started I was panicked. I treated it aggressively with whatever the docs gave me so that I wouldn't end up like my dad. Nothing worked, the redness got worse, the pimples and bumps started and I was feeling desperate. I went online frequently for info on this condition and saw the add for this treatment. I thought it was worth a try, especially since any kind of lotion seemed to make me break out worse than usual and this was not a lotion. I have been using Rosacea Ltd. for over 2 years now no one knows I even have rosacea any more. I am 45, overweight and - while I try to follow the other guidelines about water drinking, avoiding rosacea foods, stress, heat, etc. - I am not always successful. I do have stress, I do overeat, I do exercise and get flushed and sweaty and forget to drink extra water. BUT, I do my face regimen - Dove, Jojoba and RLtd - religiously, and that's the main thing it takes to keep my skin free of redness, bumps and breakouts. I use eye make up and lipstick but I have no need for concealers, powders, or foundation. I don't even use any wrinkle cream (yet!) and people actually compliment me on my skin - which amazes me. I look at photographs from before, with the stark red blotches around my nose, on my chin and forehead just standing out so vividly against my otherwise pale, sun-protected skin. I am so pleased and grateful that I found this product. The use of it is like second nature to me now, the cost is nothing like what I used to spend for treatment, and the results are so wonderful and encouraging - that'll reduce your stress right there!
You have nothing to lose in trying this treatment, I recommend it with all my heart.

Many Thanks,

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rosacea-Ltd Works On Pimples and Bumps

I find Rosacea-Ltd works very well. Since using it, my face may get a bit red from time to time, but has remained mostly clear of acne and bumps. If I do get a pimple or two, it's generally related to stress or hormones. I find the pimple will clear up overnight with use of your product.

Rosacea-Ltd has been a lifesaver for me and I use it faithfully.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Am Rosacea Free!

I have been using Rosacea-LTD for just over 1 year. One year from starting the Rosacea-LTD conditioner I am Rosacea free! I follow the direction pretty close, however I do still consume my beloved coffee, and the occasional after dinner drink. I do drink plenty of water to keep my skin nice and hydrated.
Along with the discs I use Neutrogena soap as suggested, and Jojoba oil (only in dry months). This routine has allowed my skin to look better than it did before I had rosacea.
If you are reading this and you have any doubts about this product I will quote my 3 year old son. "Daddy your face is pink like mine." I might add that to have my 3 year old think my skin looks like his is a great feeling. He has a great complexion, and thanks to Bass & Boney, so do I.