Reducing Facial Redness
I am using the Rosacea LTD-lV disks with great success.
Last night i even ate trigger foods, and exercised for 40 min. WITHOUT ANY SYMPTOMS WHAT SO EVER! a complete miracle for me. I can cook, iron and be in the heat without problems...this has truly changed things for me....and I pray it continues to work. I just wash my face with a clear, unscented glyercin soap.....and while damp I glide the tan disk over my clean wet face.
A few night's ago I didn't put it on immediately after my shower and my face began to flush and get red.....I ran for the disk and it stopped flushing within10 min. So it helps with redness, flushing and pustules for me. It does not dry my skin out. I wear it alone for bedtime....under makeup for work...under my favorite sunscreen when going out........ it keeps the rosacea swelling down all over my face.
I don't look bloated anymore.i don't use the recommended jojoba oil on my face. I only use lubriderm sensitive, frag. free hand lotion on the driest of spots, but only if I'm using makeup for work........and I'm a 53 yr. old woman.
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