Friday, October 29, 2004


I must say I was skeptic when I decided to order my Rosacea Ltd product. But after 14 years of suffering with this condition, and many perscriptions later, I was extremely depressed with the non-effectiveness of the products my doctors had me try over the years.

I had tried Metro-gel to no success, finally ending up on a long term regime of oral antibiotics (Tetracycline) and cleocin-T, which even combined together gave me very little relief.

My basic symptom was bumpy feeling skin, esp. on my forehead and sides of my face, and reddish skin (esp. cheeks) and dilated vessels on my nose and out from the sides of my nose. And it itched alot, and NOT from dry skin.

I always use a very good moisturizer (and I would share that find with anyone who wants to know, it seems to work so well in conjunction with the Rosacea ltd product), so even though I had been told that itchy skin in those areas was not a typical symptom, I never had had itchy skin until the rosacea started, and it drove me crazy!

And long term use of an antibiotic, esp when it didn't help much, was beginning to concern me. Well, they all went in the trash within 2 weeks of starting the Rosacea Ltd product. I was that convinced after only 2 weeks that the new product was far superior for treating my skin condition than anything I had ever tried before over the 14 years.

And the dilated veins are almost all but gone, the itchy is gone, and my skin no longer feels bumpy. And it worked being tested initially during the greatest challenge I face yearly, summer sun, heat and dry wind that is so prevalent in my area of California.

Normally I wouldn't bother to take the time to write a company back about their product if I liked it. I would just keep using it, and that would be my testiment to it. But I know how lousey this condition can make you feel, both physically and emotionally, and if I can encourage anyone else suffering out there to give this a try, then my few minutes spent writing this was well worth it. What have you got to lose, except maybe the suffering?
Thanks Rosacea-Ltd!


Debbie Gallegos (45 year old "Soccer Mom".)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Beautiful Skin

Most people have some physical trait(s) that are considered attractive or even beautiful. For me, one of my best physical traits has always been my skin. For most of my adult life, people have complimented me on my beautiful skin.

Imagine my chagrin, frustration and utter dismay at having this flushing, redness and rashiness begin to develop! On the advice of a dermatologist, I used Desowen cream for a while, then I heard that you shouldn't use steriods. So I used Metro gel and lotion for a time, but not only did they never really work well, they ceased to work at all.

Finally, my face was covered with a very sensitive rash and I was at my wit's end. I got on the internet and found Rosacea-Ltd!

Not only did I get some of the BEST information I had ever found on the subject, I ordered the product. Within two to three weeks, my face was almost completely cleared of the rosacea! It is four months later and my face is still clear, plus there is much less general redness.

Now, imagine my absolute and utter joy and excitement at finding a product that works so well, is inexpensive, easy to use, has no side effects and does not require a prescription!

One final word: I find that Clinique products work great with this stuff as they have many products for sensitive skin.

Catherine Perron

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Comments From A Rosacea-Ltd User

After battling acne-rosacea for at least 5 years--including a medicine chest full of antibiotic creams, vitamins and other regimes--I reluctantly ordered your product, on the recommendation of my sister.

In just 2 weeks I am amazed at the difference. The pimples and inflammation are almost entirely gone. My skin is clearer than it's been in years, and I find myself looking twice in the mirror, just to see if it's really me!

Many, many thanks, for a simple and non-toxic solution to my problem. Certainly worth the nominal investment. And your web site is informative and sensitive.

Well done!

My first order of Rosacea-Ltd was in 1998.

~Mary Blatz

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Rosacea-Ltd Users

I started this blog as a place where Rosacea-ltd users can come together and share their success stories. It's rare in this day and time to find a product that actually does what it says it'll do. A treatment that actually helps your skin and improves your skin condition without harm or damage to your skin.

So many of us have suffered through so much pain with our rosacea. We have spent countless dollars on erronious information that has often resulted in more severe skin problems.

I found the answer to my rosacea with Rosacea-Ltd.
