Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Tremendous Relief With Rosacea-Ltd

I have been using the Rosacea-Ltd product for about a year and it has helped my rosacea tremendously. Thank you so much! Both the website and the product have been so helpful. I have the acid vs alkaline chart in my kitchen and changing my eating habits has been very important. I recognize I need to be drinking more water, especially as winter is here, and I can tell a difference when I don't. I am just using Jojoba oil as a moisturizer as recommended, though my face (especially in winter) can get pretty dry. I am wondering if you have any other suggestions on this (besides the obvious of drinking more water).


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Thursday, November 03, 2011

90% Clearer Skin With Rosaea-Ltd

I am re-ordering Rosacea-Ltd. Wonderful results. Clear almost 90% of the time, especially if no sugar is consumed; this is the single biggest factor, followed by stress, then adequate sleep is third in importance.


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