Rosacea From Ancient Times To Today
Rosacea is a long term inflammation characterized by five cardinal symptoms of all inflammation of which the first four were described by Aulus Cornelius Celsus (ca 25 BC—ca 50 of Rome. The fifth symptom of "loss of function" was added by German Pathologist Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow in 1870.
redness (rubor) - Celsus of Rome
increased heat (calor) - Celsus of Rome
swelling (tumor) - Celsus of Rome
pain (dolor) - Celsus of Rome
loss of the capacity to function - (Virchow of Germany)
The redness and heat of rosacea are due to increased blood flow while swelling is caused by accumulation of fluid due to osmosis and diffusion of the potential of hydrogen (or pH). The rosacea skin pain results from the release of chemicals (acidity or low pH) that stimulate nerve endings. The face has many sensory nerve endings. The loss of the capacity to function of a body organ can have many causes but most often it is due to the skin cells inability to regenerate (the skin is body's largest organ) therefore, the skin does not function properly to protect the body. Skin Functions are to protect from pathogens, insulate from the extreme temperatures of hot and cold weather, greatly aids in heat regulation (blood vessels dilate to dissipate heat and constrict to reduce blood flow and conserve heat), maintain an impermeable barrier to fluid loss and most importantly as we see ourselves and as others see us, we consider the attraction of good health.