Rosacea-Ltd Studies The Role Of Diet In The Treatment of Rosacea
Can what you eat or drink really have an effect on your rosacea? Many believe it can, others aren't as sure. But what has been found and proven to be true is that if the body is overly acidic or alkaline the skin as the body's largest organ will be the first to show evidence of a chemical imbalance.
The body blood has a healthy pH (potential of hydrogen) range of 7.35 to 7.42 so if we are not within that range, we become ill if we are young, or age faster if we are above 35 years of age. However, the rosacea sufferer begins to have a red face with a little more blushing at times and then progresses onward to the many symptoms of rosacea. This is caused simply by the lowering of the blood pH (without the bonding of 'oxygen' to the hydrogen atom with H2O) as we all need the oxygen. Hydrogen is the lightest element. It is by far the most abundant element in the universe and makes up about about 90% of the universe by weight. Hydrogen as water (H2O) is absolutely essential to life and it is present in all organic compounds.
The more we pull down the blood pH with lower pH foods and drinks, the body has to compensate by pulling or extracting the minerals and nutrients from the bones, thus we can continue for a while but we reach limited or diminishing returns as the bones become thinner, more brittle and can not give up more minerals and nutrients. Thus rosacea or 'metabolic acidosis' causes a completely unbalanced body. And 'osmosis balancing' has to be made up from our foods and drinks by balancing our account or we go into the red rosacea symptoms. Thus, the rosacea diet consists of mostly alkaline foods.